Set up Storybook for Angular Projects

This guide will walk you through setting up Storybook for Angular projects in your Nx workspace.

Set up Storybook in your workspace

You first need to set up Storybook for your Nx workspace, if you haven't already. You can read the Storybook plugin overview guide to get started.

Generate Storybook Configuration for an Angular project

You can generate Storybook configuration for an individual Angular project by using the @nx/angular:storybook-configuration generator, like this:

nx g @nx/angular:storybook-configuration project-name

Auto-generate Stories

The @nx/angular:storybook-configuration generator has the option to automatically generate *.stories.ts files for each component declared in the library. The stories will be generated using Component Story Format 3 (CSF3).

<some-folder>/ ├── my.component.ts └── my.component.stories.ts

If you add more components to your project, and want to generate stories for all your (new) components at any point, you can use the @nx/angular:stories generator:

nx g @nx/angular:stories --project=<project-name>

Let's take for a example a library in your workspace, under libs/feature/ui, called feature-ui. This library contains a component, called my-button.

The command to generate stories for that library would be:

nx g @nx/angular:stories --project=feature-ui

and the result would be the following:

<workspace name>/ ├── apps/ ├── libs/ │ ├── feature/ │ │ ├── ui/ | | | ├── .storybook/ | | | ├── src/ | | | | ├──lib | | | | | ├──my-button | | | | | | ├── my-button.component.ts | | | | | | ├── my-button.component.stories.ts | | | | | | └── etc... | | | | | └── etc... | | | ├── | | | ├── tsconfig.json | | | └── etc... | | └── etc... | └── etc... ├── nx.json ├── package.json ├── └── etc...

Cypress tests for Stories

The @nx/angular:storybook-configuration generator gives the option to set up an e2e Cypress app that is configured to run against the project's Storybook instance.

To launch Storybook and run the Cypress tests against the iframe inside of Storybook:

nx run project-name-e2e:e2e

The url that Cypress points to should look like this:


  • buttoncomponent is a lowercase version of the Title in the *.stories.ts file.
  • primary is the name of an individual story.
  • style=default sets the style arg to a value of default.

Changing args in the url query parameters allows your Cypress tests to test different configurations of your component. You can read the documentation for more information.

Example Files

Let's take for a example a library in your workspace, under libs/feature/ui, called feature-ui with a component, called my-button.

Story file

The @nx/angular:storybook-configuration generator would generate a Story file that looks like this:

import { Meta } from '@storybook/angular'; import { MyButtonComponent } from './my-button.component'; export default { title: 'MyButtonComponent', component: MyButtonComponent, } as Meta<MyButtonComponent>; export const Primary = { render: (args: MyButtonComponent) => ({ props: args, }), args: { text: 'Click me!', padding: 10, disabled: true, }, };

Cypress test file

For the library described above, Nx would generate an E2E project called feature-ui-e2e with a Cypress test file that looks like this:

describe('feature-ui', () => { beforeEach(() => cy.visit( '/iframe.html?id=mybuttoncomponent--primary&args=text:Click+me!;padding:10;disabled:true;' ) ); it('should contain the right text', () => { cy.get('button').should('contain', 'Click me!'); }); });

Depending on your Cypress version, the file will end with .spec.ts or .cy.ts.

More Documentation

You can find all Storybook-related Nx topics here.

For more on using Storybook, see the official Storybook documentation.

Migration Scenarios

Here's more information on common migration scenarios for Storybook with Nx. For Storybook specific migrations that are not automatically handled by Nx please refer to the official Storybook page

Older migration scenarios