Deploying AWS lambda functions in Node.js

Deploying AWS lambda functions in Node.js takes a few steps:

Creating the project

For new workspaces you can create a Nx workspace with AWS lambda functions with one command:

npx create-nx-workspace@latest my-functions \ --preset=@nx/aws-lambda \

Configuring existing projects

Skip this step if you are not configuring an existing project.

You will need to install @nx/aws-lambda if you haven't already.

npm i -D @nx/aws-lambda
  • Add AWS lambda configuration by running the following command:
nx generate @nx/aws-lambda:setup-serverless
  • Create a new aws-lambda project with:
nx generate @nx/aws-lambda:serverless

This will do a few things:

  1. Create a new AWS lambda function in directory src/hello-world.
  2. Add samconfig.toml & template.yaml in the root of the project.
  3. Update your project.json to have 2 new targets serve & deploy.

Configure your AWS lambda deploy settings


You need to configure your AWS credentials inside AWS before attempting to deploy.


Before running your deployments you must have these:

  • SAM installed on your machine
  • Esbuild available in your PATH
npm install -g esbuild

To view your functions locally you run:

nx serve

Your samconfig.toml stores default parameters for SAM CLI.

If you want configure your lambda function settings such as the AWS region, runtime, and handler function. You can update your template.yaml file located at the root of your project.

To deploy them to AWS you would run:

nx deploy

That's it! Your AWS Lambda function should now be deployed using Nx. You can test it using the endpoint URL provided by Nx, and monitor its execution using the AWS Lambda console or other monitoring tools. Note that you may need to configure additional settings, such as event sources or permissions, depending on your specific use case.