Use Executor Configurations

The configurations property provides extra sets of values that will be merged into the options map.

{ "build": { "executor": "@nx/js:tsc", "outputs": ["{workspaceRoot}/dist/libs/mylib"], "dependsOn": ["^build"], "options": { "tsConfig": "libs/mylib/tsconfig.lib.json", "main": "libs/mylib/src/main.ts" }, "configurations": { "production": { "tsConfig": "libs/mylib/tsconfig-prod.lib.json" } } } }

You can select a configuration like this: nx build mylib --configuration=production or nx run mylib:build:production.

The following code snippet shows how the executor options get constructed:

require(`@nx/jest`).executors['jest']({ ...options, ...selectedConfiguration, ...commandLineArgs, }); // Pseudocode

The selected configuration adds/overrides the default options, and the provided command line args add/override the configuration options.

Default Configuration

When using multiple configurations for a given target, it's helpful to provide a default configuration. For example, running e2e tests for multiple environments. By default it would make sense to use a dev configuration for day to day work, but having the ability to run against an internal staging environment for the QA team.

{ "e2e": { "executor": "@nx/cypress:cypress", "options": { "cypressConfig": "apps/my-app-e2e/cypress.config.ts" }, "configurations": { "dev": { "devServerTarget": "my-app:serve" }, "qa": { "baseUrl": "" } }, "defaultConfiguration": "dev" } }

When running nx e2e my-app-e2e, the dev configuration will be used. In this case using the local dev server for my-app. You can always run the other configurations by explicitly providing the configuration i.e. nx e2e my-app-e2e --configuration=qa or nx run my-app-e2e:e2e:qa