Deploying Node.js serverless functions to Netlify

Deploying Node.js serverless functions to Netlify involes a few steps:

Creating the project

For new workspaces you can create a Nx workspace with serverless function with one command:

npx create-nx-workspace@latest my-functions \ --preset=@nx/netlify \ --site=my-site \ # Site ID or name to deploy the functions

Configuring existing projects

Skip this step if you are not configuring an existing project.

You will need to install @nx/netlify if you haven't already.

npm i -D @nx/netlify
  • Add serverless configuration by running the following command:
nx generate @nx/netlify:setup-serverless
  • Create a new netlify serverless project with:
nx generate @nx/netlfiy:serverless

This will do a few things:

  1. Create a new serverless function in src/functions.
  2. Add the netlify.toml in the root of the project
  3. Update your project.json to have 2 new targets serve & deploy.

Configure your Netlify deploy settings

If you do not have a site setup within your workspace, go inside the Netlify dashboard, and create/use an existing site where your serverless functions will be deployed.

In your project.json you can update your deploy site by going to the deploy target adding --site=my-site-name-or-id replace my-site-name-or-id to what you have in your Netlify dashboard.

It should look similar to:

"deploy": { "dependsOn": ["lint"], "command": "npx netlify deploy --prod-if-unlocked --site=my-site" }


To view your functions locally you run:

nx serve

Inside your netlify.toml your functions path should be already configured. To deploy them to Netlify you would run:

nx deploy

The netlify CLI will output the link where you functions can be accessed. You can either click that link or open your browser and navigate to it!